Total time: 60 minutes...
Serving size: 8 people...
2. Pounds ground beef...
2. Pounds ground turkey...
1. Minced onion, minced...
2. Slices soft bread crumbs...
5. Garlic cloves, minced...
2. Eggs...
1/2. Cup chopped fresh parsley...
1/4. Cup olive oil...
1. Tbsp. Italian seasoning...
1. Tbsp. Kosher salt...
1 1/2. Cups freshly grated Parmesan...
1 1/2. Cups ricotta...
3. Tsp. Ground black pepper...
1. Jar Marinara sauce...
1st). Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In large bowl combine the first 10 ingredients, 1 cup of the Parmesan, and 2 Tsp of the black pepper. Mix just to combine. Shape the mixture into 18 large meatballs (each should consist of about 3/4 cup of meat). Place on a baking pan and set aside...
2nd). In a medium bowl, combine the Ricotta with the remaining Parmesan and the remaining black pepper; set aside...
3rd). Bake the meatballs for 20 minutes in upper level of oven. Remove from oven and turn on broiler. Spoon 1 Tbsp of the Ricotta mixture onto each meatball. Broil 3 to 6 minutes until the Ricotta just start to brown. Serve meatballs with marinara sauce and Enjoy...
Mmmmn sounds yummy yay!!! You put my name in it 😊